I am Anuj Bisht

Name: Anuj Bisht

Profile: Front End Developer

Email: anuj.srmcem2310@gmail.com

Phone: (+91) 8853542668


HTML 90%
CSS3 85%
jQuery 50%
Wordpress 90%
About me

Hello my name is Anuj Bisht and I am a Front-End Developer and a Web Designer

I have six months of experience working as an intern for a Lucknow-based company. The firm's name is Webtechisolutions.

My responsibilities there were to design fully operational websites that used responsive strategies to allow them to be accessed in various devices without data overflowing.

After that I started working as Wordpress Developer at Wbcom Desings.


Below are the services I can provide.

Web Design

As a web designer I have a good experience in web designing tools such as FIGMA and ZEPLIN.

Web Development

For web development I have an experience in core language such as HTML and CSS. I also have an experience in JAVASCRIPT's framework and library REACT.js jQuery.

Responsive Design

For Responsive design I have been using BOOTSTRAP which is also one the most famous Framework of CSS. So that I can make the website that can be viewed on all kind of devices.



To take closer look at my designing skills Click on + to go to github links.


Web Design / Jan. 2022

Service Dealer

Web Design / Feb. 2022

Gaming Website

Web Design / Mar. 2022

Home Dealers

Web Design / Apr. 2022

Liquor Shop

Web Design / May. 2022

Mountain Trek

Web Design / Jun. 2022
Hemant Yadav
Founder Webtechisolutions

One of the hardworking, dedicated and most efficient intern.

Rashi Shukla
Automation Engineer at Sirion

Anuj and I were friends at college. He is hardworking and resilent. He has displayed exceptional time management, problem solving and organised skills. His ability to create captivating and insightful sites as a developer has led to demand of his work. Wishing you good luck for your future.